Well I thougth about it and with him I made a quick one from scrap popular using super glue to glue up the three parts. It was a chance to show him how ot use the band saw, stationary belt sander and dremel tool, clamps and glue. Then I had him put a coat of paste wax over the completed piece. It was simply fun.
Then that eventing we met up with the entire family for a meal at a favorite Olive Garden. There is something about setting at a head of a table with your family gather around and everyone talking and laughng. I had on one side my oldest grandson and on the other side my youngest and all I can tell you is that Grandma and I were well entertained with their descriptions of their daily lives. Life is good.
But you know that is what you must do. take time to enjoy what you have and don't fret about what you don't have.
Yeah I know the government both federal, state and county are in turmoil. But you know they will be tomorrow to. So for now I am going to enjoy the moment and do my best to make life better for my grandchildren and family.
Practice what you Preach
Been thinking about what I believe. James said in the New Testament, that to what you do has more value than what you say. So I have been thinking about what can I do to show that I am not just a liberal in voice only.
While I don't have a problem getting arrested in protesting what I believe my health problems make that difficult or even dangerous for me. So I will help where I can support of those who are willing and able.
I will also volunteer to work the phones to help get out the votes for those who I believe will help make a difference.
I also will help work the phone for organization like NPR drives for donations so that they can continued to do the good work that they do.
In short it is about doing what you can where you can to make a difference .
In the Shop
For my next project i am starting to build a set of shelves to hold the TV, knick knacks and books in the living room. We currently have a old style entertainment center and it is way too big and we would like to sell it in the up coming garage sale.
So while I do not want to get too involve with one that might not work in the next house we are currently looking for I have come up with a simple and relatively inexpensive set of shelve. We have decided to go for one that resemble a step ladder similar to what I saw in Popular Mechanics Nov 2010 issue..
Anyway I will start on that this week.
Reading, Movies, and Music
Completed reading Peter Bowen's "Stewball" a mystery set in Montana and the west. Great story involving gun running, and right wing organization, and murder. Recommend reading for fun only.
Began reading Stieg Larson's "The Girl Who Played With Fire". The first book was really good and have hopes for this one.
Re watched the movie "The Book of Eli" really good doomsday movie. Also watched last night on the History Channel "The American Inspector" a series dedicated to using a public works inspector to take a look at US infra-structure in 6 different locations. last night while it was dramatised they were spot on an looking forward to the next.
Lately I have been listening to a lot of Rolling Stone and Beatles. But then i get pulled back to the American Recordings of Johnny Cash particularly #5 also the blue grass group Allison Kause and Union Station they have come out with a new one that from sound bits looks like it will be very good.
Your blog always makes me feel good Dave...
Did not know that AKUS has a new album. My wife and I caught their concert here about a year ago - it was excellent. Seems that you enjoy a wide range of music too.
ReplyDeleteIMHO, you can't go wrong taking to heart what is found in the Bible. :)
Good luck with your woodworking project!